Friday, December 09, 2005

..blogging drunk?

Ok, so I woke this morning, the sun was up, clothes from the night before still on, the smell of cigarettes and the pub life still sending signals to my brain....looked at the clock, oh, sh$%!! I am late to work!! So hurry down foregoing breakfast and off to work I go.
All was good, I thought, then I checked my blog this afternoon and I see that I posted last night, or this morning rather.

I heard when I was in school that some students at Case often joked that it was fun on a Friday night, that instead of going out it was just as fun to drink some beers and write software code, "coding drunk". Ok, a bit odd, I suppose, but to each is own. Posting on a blog is no where near writing code, but I think I had an experience this A.M. similar to what these Case guy's referred too.

Yeah, I was hammered!!!! Really drunk!! Wow, those Palm's caught up to me and slammed me down on the ground... at least it wasn't as bad as the guy in my fourier. Upon entering the first security door of my building there was a guy laying on floor!!!!! He was just resting i suppose.

But the content of my thoughts in the previous post, I can not take credit for...
For as my friend Jim Eastman posted on his blog, bloggers have a code, or ethics standards of a sort, that always should remain in place. One of which is, to always give credit to the source for whatever you post.
So, I was saying, I the content of the post last night, are a bit odd for my site, no? Well yeah, but i have not determined a focus or even if I should have a focus for this blog other than just random thoughts or experiences of the day, maybe that will be the spirit of the blog after all??
Nevertheless, on to the story. I met this guy in a pub last night, he was a craggy desholved sort, chain smoking and periodically yelling in the pub, "yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!" . He told me that he had been in the Dutch Army and had served in Bosnia. I don't know if he made it up, or if he really served but he told me of many experiences there, and in his opinion that The Netherlands is a very heavily armed nation for a nation of it's size and population.(~17mil) One of the stories he told was about a battle that took place and the Dutch army, being a peace army, was in place to hold this specific post and position, the Canadian army had report to the main general, some French guy from NATO, that this position was not defendable! So the Dutch Army went in to hold position. Those Canadians!!! Always getting out of a fight.
The opposing army began to advance, the Dutch army had to battle. It was agreed before the Dutch went in, that if the Dutch army felt it was going to loose control and be over taken, it could call in as a last resort for air support. Well, as the position was threatened and the chance of loosing control increased, they began calling for air support. But, air support came.
For 7 or 6 days, nothing. 7 days of intense battle.
Well, they held their position. And apparently survived the siege.
but this guy in the pub told me that the general, the French guy, is to this day a marked man, not only from this particular incident, but apparently he made many more poor decisions in his commanding NATO career.
So thus comes the content of the post, this guy told me that "Europe is the Misery of the world." He focused on the negatives and in his opinion all that is wrong with European colonialism. He implicitly expressed to me as well, that while Europeans are paying for their past, America has taken over as colonial empire and the same misery that Europe brought about, is now be continued by American involvement in the middle east.
Well, that is a strong claim, but one that many, i believe here, hold as their opinion. it is tough to discuss this point but I am merely sharing it, because I thought it to be very interesting and it was an unusual experience that I had, with this Dutch Army character.
Yeah, it is focusing only on the negatives, but we do live in a time on the edge, The Boundary Conditions are known, and we are moving into them now. That is when all the turmoil and rules that seemed to have made so much sense in the middle of the spectrum no longer hold true with absolute certainty.


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