How to get flock to stop talking politics.
This pic is for BTB, actual cycling. Yes, that is a sandwhich in my mouth. Tom says that was the only way he could shut me up. LOL! Yeah, cause I kept on him why his leader in Washington is such an ingrate and "gee, if we actually designed policies at Federal level that would encourage people growth and trade instead of just corporate and material goods trade, gee that might encourage more free movement of people, which in turn could assist in economic growth and sustainability." Needs of the people as priority while considering needs of commerce. It is not an equation. False statement, Commerce good = People good. Caveats are a plenty. So we need leadership that can account for these not just by making war or annexing another territory, but in considering the big picture for the good of the majority. That is exactly what is not happening now in the political circles in Washington. Here are some examples, Stop the war in Iraq! Build domestic Infrastructure!!! Use the fake money that is financing the bombs over Bagdad and buid some stuff, uhh dams, trains, fix the roads in the cities!! The public school system in the poorer communities.
My last full tank of Euro 95, rough equivalent to BP 89 grade, cost me 72 euro that is in a 12 gallon tank. Ok, If you want to talk about commerce begin with considering the total cost for goods on the market. For instance, electricity in Cleveland roughly costs 05 cents/kwH. That electricty is generated mainly in coal or nuclear power plant. That same kwH costs .15 to .20 cents, last I checked, summer 05 , for electricity from wind energy. At that rate, it is an an economic no brain choice. How about our leaders in Washington actually design laws that consider the total cost of the products we purchase.
The US is turning into a place that no longer produces anything, but consumes everything. Turning, it already is like that, sorry.
There is another way to run the business and governing of the country and it fully lines up with the global market economy.
One thing I want to be clear with everyone. I am not , repeat not, anti-american!! Here that!! Yes, I hope so. Because when I return to Cleveland sometime in the future, yes, I am going to be commenting about the things of Europe. But I don't just want to talk, I want action. The mantra of consumption to promote growth of the USA, is an old one. It is outdated and doesn't fit anymore. Shop because you want to, not as an action of national security or a directive from Washington. Empowered and independent people are the best consumers and truly make democratic choices which in turn will reflect in moving the market.
Now you see why tom shoved the sandwhich in my mouth!! hahahaa, LOL!!
enjoy your day people
My last full tank of Euro 95, rough equivalent to BP 89 grade, cost me 72 euro that is in a 12 gallon tank. Ok, If you want to talk about commerce begin with considering the total cost for goods on the market. For instance, electricity in Cleveland roughly costs 05 cents/kwH. That electricty is generated mainly in coal or nuclear power plant. That same kwH costs .15 to .20 cents, last I checked, summer 05 , for electricity from wind energy. At that rate, it is an an economic no brain choice. How about our leaders in Washington actually design laws that consider the total cost of the products we purchase.
The US is turning into a place that no longer produces anything, but consumes everything. Turning, it already is like that, sorry.
There is another way to run the business and governing of the country and it fully lines up with the global market economy.
One thing I want to be clear with everyone. I am not , repeat not, anti-american!! Here that!! Yes, I hope so. Because when I return to Cleveland sometime in the future, yes, I am going to be commenting about the things of Europe. But I don't just want to talk, I want action. The mantra of consumption to promote growth of the USA, is an old one. It is outdated and doesn't fit anymore. Shop because you want to, not as an action of national security or a directive from Washington. Empowered and independent people are the best consumers and truly make democratic choices which in turn will reflect in moving the market.
Now you see why tom shoved the sandwhich in my mouth!! hahahaa, LOL!!
enjoy your day people
Hey Jim, I can't agree with you more on a lot of your comments. After being out of the country for 6 weeks you realize how much we need to change things in the states. I'm not Anti-American either, but I think some peoples eyes would open if they saw how things are outside of the states. We complain about gas, the Aussies were paying over $6 US per gallon. Also the attitudes here are a lot different compared to all of the international people I met on my trip. I got off the plane in LA and saw all of the rude and ungrateful people and thought..."Welcome back to the US!" Keep up the great comments! - Frank
hm.. yeah, but europe can get better too. if some energetic minds like jamesĀ“ come over and share their thoughts with us every now and then... At least to me, it brings live!
i still think ur a boner
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