Monday, May 15, 2006

train and reading books

So far in the last two weeks since my license is no longer valid, I have read two books and starting the third.

I prefer non-fiction. So here are the titles. Bosnia a short history by Noel Malcom Fences and Windows by Noemi Klien
and I started that book Strange Sounds from a few months ago. It is about art , culture and technology. I think it is intended for a science and technology course at some university, maybe columbia??


The Bosnia book was so insightful. Anyone making comments about the war that took place there in the 90's should read this one first before spouting off random comments.

Fences and Windows is about the protests against the WTO and her view on it. Very nice it reads like the movie the Corporation, small short little journal entries that tie together in the end.

enjoy the day, even in the rain!!


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