great article from american history
Article is titled: But—I'm a Conservative!
"Our job is to prove right here in America that democracy means, not destructive wrangling, but effective cooperation in solving our spiritual and economic problems. Can this be too much to hope from American youth?"
'Men too often, in their revenge, set the example of doing away with those general laws to which all alike can look for salvation in adversity.'
—Thucydides, 426 B.C.
And is found in The Atlantic, circa 1939...
To all of those who thought I was a just a liberal-goof, "Tom"!! Labels really suck, don't they???
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If you can't bear to read this, just skip to the last pharagraph. Pretty insightful.
I would ask this question to the head shrub in charge, also!!! Especially the part about "destructive wrangling".
oh yeah, and here is a photo....
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